Spring is springing, it's Easter and we are offering free delivery!

Ahoy to all of you lovely JackSpeakers out there.

We hope you are keeping safe, healthy and looking out for each other during this difficult time. We wanted to give a massive shout out from the bods here at JackSpeak HQ, to all the key workers in the UK. Whether you are in the NHS or armed forces, a delivery driver or carer to name just a few – THANK YOU for all you are doing, you are amazing.

Easter is coming up and it will be an odd one with friends and family not necessarily all together. Stick to the advice and stay at home. The more we follow the instructions from our Government the quicker we will beat this virus together.

At JackSpeak HQ in Dartmouth we are sticking to the rules. We are spending a lot of time sitting at our ‘ideas’ table via technology (great ain’t it!) coming up with important thoughts. This is keeping us busy.

But why not hold a virtual get together with your loved ones? There are lots of ways to keep in touch using some terrific technology, although, of course, there is nothing like a good old fashioned telephone call. For the kids, even if you do not have a garden you can still do an Easter Egg hunt around the house. Draw a map (with a compass!) to help the little ones find the booty. Maybe they can dress up for the ‘hunt’ as a pirate or maybe an Easter Bunny! Get them making and baking if they like cooking. The HQ bods made Easter cookies this weekend using mini eggs and boy they were good, although there was a lot of mess…(message us if you want the recipe).

If drawing is a thing in your household how about making an Easter 2020 scrap book as a memento, telling your story of what you did during ‘lockdown’.

If all else fails, how about hosting a dance party (exercise and fun!). Write out some invites to everyone in your household. Insist on fancy dress. Decorate the room with homemade streamers and play your favourite tunes til you need a rest!

You can still order Easter gifts online to be delivered, maybe flowers or chocolate, or indeed a JackSpeak T to cheer up someone’s day. One of our ideas from our important thoughts meetings was to offer FREE delivery on all orders during lockdown. We can’t open our shop but you can still order online and with the weather set fair for a while, you can bring some nautical style to your wardrobe, or indeed send a gift to your family this Easter. And of course we would love to see your HighJack videos or pics. Simply use the code ‘lockdown’ at checkout.

Don’t forget there are lots of local businesses in Dartmouth offering food and drink deliveries, so treat yourself and support them at the same time. Use Dartmouth Town Councils link on their website to see whats available.


In the meantime we wish you a very happy Easter, and look forward to seeing you on the other side.

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