'Get the Wets in!' Winning phrase of our JackSpeak 'Slanguage' Competition.

Founder of Jack Speak Nick Shillabeer was delighted to attend a very sunny Naval College today to find out who the winner of JackSpeaks latest competition was, from Captain Roger Readwin.

We had over 80 ‘slanguage’ suggestions from our recent competition on social media. We asked our followers to come up with a naval Jack Speak phrase that we could incorporate into a new t-shirt design. The winner receiving £100 worth of vouchers to spend in our shop! We asked Captain readwin to pick the winning phrase as 10% of the profit will be donated from the new t-shirt to the Royal Navy Royal Marines Charity. The Captain, very ably assisted by his right hand First Lieutenant Nicola Cullen, had his work cut out with so many entries! Many were very funny indeed, but perhaps not entirely appropriate to be displayed on everyone’s back!

The winner is Lee Squire – ‘Get the Wets in’. Congratulations to Lee, who will wins the £100 worth of JackSpeak vouchers.

JackSpeak are delighted to be a supporter of the Royal Navy Royal Marine Charity, who exist to support our country’s sailors, marines and families for life. Serving in the Royal Navy or Royal Marines represents an enduring commitment to protecting our island nation. This commitment is not without sacrifice. Those who serve can find themselves in a uniquely difficult and dangerous environment facing extended periods of time separated from loved ones, often with very little opportunity for communication. The RNRMC fills this gap in many ways such as projects to assist families of serving personnel, transition to new employment support and rehabilitation after injury to name just a few.

The new t-shirt, which will be designed and produced by Nick, right here in Dartmouth, should be available in time for Christmas, a perfect gift for anyone and you can feel good that a portion of your purchase will go to RNRMC. Nick quoted ‘it was great to have so many entries from our loyal followers and also to involve the Naval College, Captain Readwin and a charity that is close to all of our hearts. I spent many of my formative years in and around the college, getting up to mischief within the grounds and the winning phrase ties in well with my history as well as being an established phrase within the Navy community for getting the drinks in!’. Captain Readwin quoted ‘I wanted to choose a phrase that would sit well on someone’s back as well as meaning something to me as naval slang. I am absolutely delighted to assist Nick and JackSpeak with choosing, and that he is so generously donating some of his profits to such a well deserving charity providing support for my colleagues across the service.’

In addition, JackSpeak have also announced that 10% of the profit from all of their super quality and super smart Blue JackSpeak Emmett shirts will also be donated to the RNRMC to further cement their commitment to the charity and its ongoing work.

Head over to our shop in Lower Street, Dartmouth to find out more, or visit us on www.jack-speak.co.uk

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